Today we’re featuring another one of our amazing team members in our “Sallas Auto Staff Spotlight.” Last time, you met Barry Degges from our Kansas City Auto Repair Shop. Today, you’ll meet John Blauw, who manages our Overland Park Auto Repair Shop.
Sallas Auto Repair’s John Blauw

Sallas Auto's John Blauw
Name: John Blauw
How Long Have you Worked in the Auto Industry? A long time – 33 years – it’s all I’ve done. Worked at Sallas for 15 years.
What Is Your Role at Sallas Auto? I am the manager at the Overland Park repair shop. I oversee the operations, customer service, advise customers on needed repairs. Parts inventory, parts ordering, inventory – all sorts of little things.
What Do you Like About Working at Sallas Auto Repair? I like the people here, I’m a people person. It’s a good place to work, Nick and Carla are great to work for.
If you could own any car, what would it be? I’d like to have an old one, there are so many cars that I like. An old classic hot rod.
What’s an amusing story you can tell about working at the auto shop? One of my fleet accounts came into the shop for a random oil change in a late model Ford pickup truck. My technician popped the hood to start the inspection and found a birds nest in the center of the engine with three blue eggs in it. That was pretty amazing. We took pictures, showed the customer, then removed the nest. The customer said he drove the car every day, but did notice that a bird would fly out each time he went to drive it. Needless to today, we were all shocked.
What’s one piece of advice you’d give every car owner?Change your motor oil every 3,000 miles. Also, find an auto repair facility you can trust.
What advice would you give someone buying a new car? Have a qualified repair shop (independent of the dealership) inspect the used car before you buy it.