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Emission System Services
Serving your emissions systems is important for several reasons. As car motors run, they emit several gasses including carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen gas (N2) and water as fuel is burned. Some gasses like carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons and nitrogen compounds can be harmful. By reducing your car's emissions, you protect the environment. Many states even require an emissions test for licensing the vehicle. Reducing emissions keeps you and your passengers safe - harmful toxins and gasses are removed from the air near your car through the catalytic converter. Emissions systems may also keep your vehicle running longer.

Emissions and exhaust systems in a vehicle include parts like:
- Catalytic Converters
- Valves, Gaskets, Brackets, Clamps, Hangers & Flanges
- Heat Shields & Insulators
- Exhaust pipes & tubing
- Mufflers
- Fuel injection systems
- Oxygen sensors
Many newer cars' exhaust and emission systems use computerized tools to determine emission levels based on a fuel-to-oxygen ratio.
Sallas Auto Repair performs maintenance on the exhaust and emissions systems. Our preventative maintenance on emissions systems will ensure each emission and exhaust component is running well and effectively. We test how the fuel is burning and ensure that the emissions and exhaust systems draw waste products away from the engine in a safe manner.