Posted on 9/2/2014
Let’s talk about transmission service. It can be easy to forget about getting your transmission serviced because it doesn’t need it very often. It’s easy to remember to change the engine oil – you know, every 3,000 miles or 5,000 kilometers. But proper transmission servicing keeps your car running smoothly and helps you avoid costly repairs down the road. The transmission undergoes a lot of stress. The grit you see in used transmission fluid is actually bits of metal that wear off the gears in the transmission. In addition to that, the transmission operates at very high temperatures. Usually it’s 100 to 150 degrees higher than engine temperatures. Those high temperatures eventually cause the transmission fluid to start to break down and loose efficiency. As the fluid gets older, it gets gritty and doesn’t lubricate and cool the transmission as well – leading to even more wear. The fluid can actually get sludgy and plug up the maze of fluid pass ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014
Call Sallas Auto Repair to make an appointment to check your transmission, it’s one choice that you can guarantee is a good one, Kansas City, MO or Overland Park, KS. 11110 Hickman Mills Drive Kansas City, MO 64134 Do you have any plans around Kansas City or Overland Parkfor the weekend? Maybe you and some friends and are taking the boat up to the lake. Maybe you’ll be having a lot of fun water skiing and doing a little fishing. You got the boat all ready. It’s all gassed up. You packed lots of snacks and the cooler’s stocked – ready to go. How about your tow vehicle? It has plenty of gas and you’ve even vacuumed it out, but is your auto maintenance up to date? Stop and think. You’ll have some heavy traffic on your way out of town. Hilly terrain as you get to the lake. Some dirt roads – and it may be hot weather. And all the time you’re going to be towing ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014
You know the feeling of using a flashlight with a low battery? The flashlight will turn on, but its illumination is dim ~ and you know that you would be able to see better if you had a new battery. The same “dying battery” effect happens to our car headlights over time. Several cars/suv’s/vans have plastic headlights that will grow foggy over time and cause negative effects to drivers’ visibility. Through Sallas Auto’s Headlight Restore service, we’ll get your plastic headlights looking brand new again, and gain maximum visibility through brigher headlights once again. The Cause of Foggy Headlights Often times the heat from our headlight bulbs will start to yellow our plastic headlights. Also, water and sun hitting the headlights over time will cause the headlights to fade. Foggy headlights creates a safety issue for night driving. Not only can you not see as well while driving at night, but you’re also tempted to use the brights when you shouldn’t have to use them ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014
If you’re in Kansas City this summer, you are probably looking for ways to beat the heat! With temperatures reaching the 100′s this month, we’re all looking for some ways to cool down and find relief from the heat wave. While standing in the sun is practically unbearable, getting into a hot car and taking a long road trip in a warm car can feel even worse. BUT ~ so is having your car break down and needing emergency roadside service with the sun beating down on you and your car. If you’re planning on taking a road trip anytime throughout the rest of the summer, here are a few tips about how to beat the summer heat, and take caution in the sun, as you’re driving down the road: 1. Make sure to grab your cell phone and other emergency items. Most of us ALWAYS have our phones ~ but if you are like me ~ you forget it sometimes! Having your phone will get you quick help so that you don’t have to suffer in the sun in the event your car bre ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014

Taking care of your car includes taking care of the transmission. The transmission is the part of your automobile that sends power from the engine through the gears and drive shaft to turn the wheels. Muck this up and you’re, well, shafted! Take care of your transmission. First off you should love your transmission. Treat it well, don’t abuse it and it will love you back. This means: Don’t tow too much or tow too fast. Summer is boat season but knowing how much boat you can tow is critical. When you overwork your transmission it gets hot. When it gets hot it gets mad and can actually blow seals, gaskets and your mind. Know how much weight your vehicle can tow and most manuals will tell you keep it at or below 55MPH. Do not tow your pontoon boat with your Fiat! And don’t drive 70MPH all the way to St. Louis transporting heavy treasures on your trailer. Change your tran ... read more