Posted on 9/2/2014

Would you believe us if we told you that car crashes are the number one killer of children aged 1-12 in the US? Sometimes accidents are unavoidable, but you can do the best you can to protect your children by driving attentively and properly placing them in their carseat. Step 1: Find the proper car seat for your child. Choose a car seat based on his or her size and age and fits in your vehicle. Be familiar with the manufacturer’s height and weight requirements and replace the car seat when necessary. Types of car seats: Rear-facing seat Best for young children Has harness and moves with child to reduce impact Forward-facing seat Has harness and tether Limits forward movement in a crash Booster seat Best for older children Seat belt fits over child’s body Seat belt Lies across upper thighs and is snug across shoulder and chest Should not rest on the stomach, across the neck or under the arm ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014

Thousands of people around the country are injured and even die due to the severity of injuries sustained during road accidents, many from a lack of simple driving safety. The number of injuries and deaths skyrocket during winter. During extreme weather you should limit your driving to when it is necessary and even then, wait until road workers have cleared the road. Winter Driving Safety Tips You should be careful not to leave your departure point too late. Driving fast during winter to arrive at your destination quickly can only mean trouble for you, the passengers in your car and the other drivers on the road. Driving Safety Tips When Driving On Icy Roads You cannot tell the condition of other vehicles on the road or the driver’s mental state or how well that person can drive in winter conditions. This means that you should put some distance between you and other motorists. Three times the space that you usually leave between you and motorists i ... read more