Posted on 9/2/2014
Fall is on the way here and chances are the kids are back in school and summer vacations are over. This is a great time to give your car a thorough cleaning. Sallas Auto Repair has some tips to get your car back in shape and ready for leaf peeping road trips. A clean car is a happy car. -Your car always needs a good washing to protect it from damage from sun and dirt. Fall is also a great time to wax it in anticipation of road salt and ice in the winter. -Give your car a good vacuuming. If you’ve been carting kids around you probably have all sorts of debris on your floors from picnics, the pool, or the beach. Sand is a killer on a car’s interior so be sure and get under and in-between seats. -Clean and condition your seats. More and more cars have leather seats and they can take a beating from the sun, especially if your car sits outside all day. Wipe them down with a cleaner made especial ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014

While driving, one of the most frustrating things that can occur is getting a whiff of an odor that is not normal for your car. Knowing what different car smells mean can help you better diagnose your vehicle’s problem and get it properly fixed. Hydrogen sulfide in your exhaust could be causing your car to smell like rotten eggs. If you are like me, having a foreign smell arise in your car can be frustrating. That is why we at Sallas Auto have taken the time to put together a list of top car odors and how to clear them out of the air, literally. Rotten Eggs If you have ever turned your car on and smelled rotten eggs it is time to check the exhaust, not for eggs, but for hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is produced when your catalytic converter is not working correctly. If you smell eggs you should definitely take your car into a trusted auto shop, the smell suggests you have trouble. A trusted shop w ... read more