Posted on 9/2/2014

As we continue to endure an almost endless scorching summer we could probably pay more attention to our poor cars. Forced to drive around outside, sit in parking lots all day and wait in endless traffic snarls the heat can really do a number on them. Auto maintenance should include your car’s battery. Take your car battery. The extreme heat of summer can actually destroy it. Excessive heat and overcharging will shorten your battery’s life. Your battery fluid will actually begin to evaporate and this damages the inside structure of your battery. The voltage regulator is particularly vulnerable and if this is damaged it allows too high a charging rate and this is a battery killer. Summer’s heat damage may not even be apparent until winter and we find ourselves stranded at home or worse at 11pm after a really nice dinner and a movie. So what can you do to keep your battery happy now and avoid ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014

As you may have found out the hard way, a dead battery can put a real crimp in your day. It’s the number one winter automotive problem, and when your battery dies, it leaves you stopped in your tracks. The cold temperatures will reduce your battery voltage. Cold temperatures combined with the age of your battery can cause problems and keep you home when you need to be mobile. Is this your car battery?What to Do? If you do discover a dead battery when you head out in the morning, take care when attempting to revive it. If it’s been a few days since you’ve driven or it’s excessively cold, your battery can actually freeze, and jumpstarting a frozen battery can be disastrous. If your car cranks even a tiny bit your battery probably isn’t frozen, and it is ok to pr ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014
“How long should the battery in my car last?” That’s a question we get asked a lot. The average car battery can last between 3-5 years, but the actual life of your battery depends on several factors. The quality of the battery when first purchased. You don’t have to spend a fortune, but don’t be cheap about it. How well you maintain it. Battery maintenance goes a long way toward longer life. Include your battery on your checklist whenever you take your car in for routine check ups. Don’t forget the cables and terminals and keep them clean. The weather. Check the top of your battery to see the temperature specifications. If you live in a cold climate make sure you purchase one intended for your area. Cold weather reduces the cranking power of your battery so an older battery will experience more issues in the winter than a new one. Car batteries can even freeze and explode so if you think your battery is fro ... read more